
Showing posts from April, 2020

EU blue card Germany requirement

What is the  EU  Blue Card? Who is eligible for it? Where can I get it?   EU  Blue Cards are issued by EU member states to third-country nationals. The holder of an EU Blue Card is entitled to take up residence in the EU for the purpose of taking up gainful employment. The legal basis for the  EU  Blue Card is Council Directive 2009/50/EC. The  EU  Blue Card is designed particularly to attract highly qualified third-country nationals to jobs in occupations where there is a shortage of qualified personnel or where a shortage is likely to arise in future. The  EU  Blue Card is the main residence permit for university graduates from abroad. It is a simple and unbureaucratic procedure geared to third-country nationals keen to put their talents to use in Germany. Requirements: Applicants must furnish proof that they have a university degree and have been offered a job that would provide gross annual earnings for at least 55,200 euros (2020). In occupations where jobs vacancies for e.g. doct

Bhutan is best country to visit as tourists

. Bhutan A dozen nations vie for the title of real-life Shangri-La, but  Bhutan ’s claim has more clout than most. This tiny piece of Himalayan paradise operates a strict ‘high-value, low-impact’ tourism policy, compelling travellers to pay a high daily fee just to set foot in its pine-scented, monastery-crowned hills. The pay-off for visitors is a chance to walk along mountain trails unsullied by litter, in the company of people whose Buddhist beliefs put them uniquely in tune with their environment. Bhutan punches well above its weight when it comes to sustainability. It is already the world’s only carbon-negative country, and the kingdom is set to become the first fully organic nation by 2020, so it’s only going to get more beautiful. And with the daily fee, it won’t be getting any more crowded

Types of Germany visa and work permits

Types of German Work Permits and How To Get One Ask any non-EU national about their experiences of the  Ausländerbehörde  or Foreigners’ Office and you’re likely to hear a litany of horror stories of Kafkaesque proportions. However, it’s really not as bad as all that as long as you have your ducks in a row… and are prepared to queue for a very long time. Here’s the skinny. If you’re from within the EU, Switzerland, or the EEA (European Economic Area), i.e. from Liechtenstein, Norway or Iceland Whether you’re an employee, self-employed, or a business owner, if you’re from an EU country, you just have to book a flight, find a job, and show up. You’ll just need to carry a passport or valid ID in order to register your residence once you arrive in Berlin. Sweet deal. Now, please spare a thought for those who have to apply for visas in order to live and work in Berlin. If you’re from Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, South Korea, New Zealand or the USA If you’re from any of


DOMINICA CITIZENSHIP BY INVESTMENT Citizenship In Three (3) MonthsMinimum Investment: $220,000Favourable Tax Climate LEARN ABOUT YOUR OPTIONS Consecutively ranked by Professional Wealth Management as the number one Citizenship by Investment Programme in the world, Dominica Citizenship provides the best value for money for those wishing to increase their visa-free travel, and gain greater global access. At a minimum of $200,000, families can obtain a Dominica passport and citizenship in less than three months, and gain visa free travel to over  130 countries and territories  – all without ever leaving their place of residence. Furthermore, with a favourable tax climate, Dominica citizenship is perfect for those looking to better manage their assets. Want a practical second citizenship that remains with you for life and passes down through your generations? Then look no further than Dominica’s tried, tested, and proven Citizenship by Investment Programme! Dominica Citizenship

Uruguay citizenship and permit resident passport

 <script data-ad-client="ca-pub-8190932783532203" async src=""></script> Uruguay, a small South American country of European heritage, has been known for decades as a beacon of stability and safety.  And, in recent times, it has been increasingly attracting Americans and Europeans seeking new alternatives for safe investments, residency, and citizenship. What makes Uruguay stand out? For starters, it is the country with the highest GDP per capita in Latin America; it has a broad middle-class, modern infrastructure, and solid institutions.  Foreign and local investors receive equal treatment, private property is strongly respected, and there are no restrictions on the movement of capital in and out of the country. Transparency International has consistently rated Uruguay as the least corrupt country in Latin America throughout the years.   The Economist Intelligence Unit rates U